This pedagogical
approach is based on helping students with the tools they need in order for
them to construct their own knowledge, this way; they can solve problems and
take decisions. The constructivism is focused in two branches, the social and
the cognitive.
According to Jean
Piaget, the cognitive constructivism explains that human beings not only
receive and use information; they also construct their own knowledge. It is
important to understand what the person needs for acquiring knowledge and how
they learn at their own speed.
The social
constructivism, according to Lev Vigotsky, is centered in the big influence the
social interactions have in the individuals, this means, the role the teacher
has in a classroom. Vigotsky considered that every student can learn by their
own means and development, but there are some things they learn with the help
of others that already know or has information. This distance between what they
learn by themselves and what they learn with the help from others is what he
called ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development).
Social interaction is
key in the learning process when studying a second language. Students can read
all the meanings of the words and the use of grammar and produce some reading,
writing and speaking abilities, but their knowledge in the new language can be
improved by the interaction with other students, people and also the teacher,
not only for practicing, but for clearing the doubts or problems they have when
using the language.
If make reference of
Vigotsky’s theory of the ZPD, we can considered the teacher very important in
the classroom, because is the one that can help students construct more complex
Teaching English,
teachers can use activities like role-play with the students where they pretend
to be facing real life situations, that way, the students can learn what to say
and how to say something related to that situation in English.
They can also use a
lot of group work, that way, the students can interchange ideas and concepts.
When teaching
English, the teacher can also invite native speakers to the classroom, and ask
the students to ask them questions. The students usually ask about personal
information and about their country.
This interaction
helps the student to practice what they already learned in class and also,
helps them understand more about the native speaker’s culture and
pronunciation. This also makes students to be less shy when they have to speak
to an English speaker.
Vygotsky manages five fundamental concepts, which are the Mental
Functions, Psychological Skills, Zones of Proximal Development, Psychological
Tools and Mediation. Referring to Mental Functions necessary to mention the
lower and upper; the lower mental
functions are ones that are born, and therefore are natural, are
genetically determined and are limited, i.e., is conditional on what we can do
(behavior to a reaction or response); Higher
mental functions are acquired and developed through social interaction,
determining the way of being of that society and culturally these measures,
which these aspects lead to the knowledge development. For Vygotsky, the more
social interaction, more knowledge, more opportunities to act, are more mental
functions. When carrying or apply this to our classrooms, students are more
competent, risky and analytical thinking.
Another important concept to consider is the Psychological Skills, these are much related to higher mental functions and manifest in the social and individual levels; attention, memory and the development of concepts are first a social phenomenon (interpsychological) which then becomes the property of the individual or personal (intrapsychological) as an example of this in our classrooms is when the student does not understand a subject, making gesture and question being asked or should be done, this is a function interpsychological metal top, this is because it communicates something. In a second stage, making gestures and ask the student uses them as tools to communicate, and this is when it becomes a self or pesonal higher mental function: intrapsychological.
Within this theory concepts to handle this the Zones of Proximal Development provides the possibility that people learn in a social environment, interaction with others. Our knowledge and experience of others is what makes possible the learning, therefore, the more rich and frequent the interaction with others, our knowledge is broader and richer. And the sequence of example raised in the submission of the second concept, so that gestures and ask more meaningful and meaning teachers must pay attention and clarifies the doubt or situation, and it is here where exemplified and disclosed that will learn is with the help and guidance of others in the field of social interaction as possible next learning the zone of proximal development.
The psychological tool is another fundamental concept in the study of this theory, these are the bridge between the lower mental functions and higher mental functions, and within these, the bridge between the (social) interpsychological skills and intrapsychological (personal). This tool will measure our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Our ability to think, feel and act, and for this the most important tool is language, which becomes the first form of interaction, and how we appropriate knowledge.
Finally, the concept of Mediation is presented, according to Vygotsky, the central fact of his psychology is the fact that mediation holds that learning is mediated, and it says that culture is the primary determinant of individual development, this says to think and how to think, gives us the knowledge and way of constructing knowledge.
Another important concept to consider is the Psychological Skills, these are much related to higher mental functions and manifest in the social and individual levels; attention, memory and the development of concepts are first a social phenomenon (interpsychological) which then becomes the property of the individual or personal (intrapsychological) as an example of this in our classrooms is when the student does not understand a subject, making gesture and question being asked or should be done, this is a function interpsychological metal top, this is because it communicates something. In a second stage, making gestures and ask the student uses them as tools to communicate, and this is when it becomes a self or pesonal higher mental function: intrapsychological.
Within this theory concepts to handle this the Zones of Proximal Development provides the possibility that people learn in a social environment, interaction with others. Our knowledge and experience of others is what makes possible the learning, therefore, the more rich and frequent the interaction with others, our knowledge is broader and richer. And the sequence of example raised in the submission of the second concept, so that gestures and ask more meaningful and meaning teachers must pay attention and clarifies the doubt or situation, and it is here where exemplified and disclosed that will learn is with the help and guidance of others in the field of social interaction as possible next learning the zone of proximal development.
The psychological tool is another fundamental concept in the study of this theory, these are the bridge between the lower mental functions and higher mental functions, and within these, the bridge between the (social) interpsychological skills and intrapsychological (personal). This tool will measure our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Our ability to think, feel and act, and for this the most important tool is language, which becomes the first form of interaction, and how we appropriate knowledge.
Finally, the concept of Mediation is presented, according to Vygotsky, the central fact of his psychology is the fact that mediation holds that learning is mediated, and it says that culture is the primary determinant of individual development, this says to think and how to think, gives us the knowledge and way of constructing knowledge.
Excellent work, thanks for complying the work of the group.
ResponderEliminarAccording to my experience, I can say that the constructivism is the method most of the institutions and schools use for teaching English as a second language.
Teaching grammar is necessary but not the main focus during the learning process. It is considered that helping the students to center their learning in social interaction, they can face the simulation of real life situations that are helpful for them in the future when they actually have to live an experience where they have to use only English and not their first language.
Excellent the construtivism it shoulb be understanding as an explanatory frame work of social and socializing conception of school education and integrates a set of inputs from various theories that have in common the principles of constructivism, this conception of education do not take it as a set of recipes, but rather as a set of principles that allows whenever possible diagnose, judging and making decisions about teaching.
ResponderEliminarwhen learning a foreign language is mediation can be book, a visual material or any other form of help from the teacher. The social mediation in the form of interaction can occur between an expert and one with less experience in the foreign language classroom this mediation can occur between teacher and student expertise or among students.